Policy & Privacy

General terms of Sale

The offer and sale of products made on the website www.labauta.com are governed by these general terms and conditions of sale. For any other legal information, please consult the sections: General terms of Use, Privacy Policy and right of withdrawal. The customer is obliged, before submitting his purchase order, to read carefully the present general conditions of sale. The forwarding of the purchase order implies the complete knowledge and express acceptance of both the above general conditions of sale and of what is indicated in the order form. The customer is obliged, once the on-line purchase procedure has been completed, to print and retain these general terms and conditions of sale and the relevant order form, already viewed and accepted.
1. Subject
1.1 These general terms and conditions of sale shall be the subject of the sale of products made online through an electronic commerce service on the website www.labauta.com. In view of the high number of products made available, the main characteristics and prices of the same (including any additional cost) are clearly indicated directly on the site.
1.2 The products sold on the site can be purchased and delivered exclusively in the countries indicated on the order form. Any orders for shipments to be made outside these countries will be automatically rejected during the process of processing the order.
2. Subjects
2.1 The products are sold directly by the company La Bauta with legal and administrative headquarters in Italy,
Campo San Toma 2867, 30125 Venice, Italy, Italy P. IVA 04423200288 (from now on the Bauta. or seller).2.2 These general terms and conditions of sale govern the supply, forwarding and acceptance of purchase orders for products on www.labauta.com and do not govern the provision of services or the sale of products by persons other than Seller to be present on www.labauta.comthrough links, banners or other hyperlinks. Before submitting orders and purchasing products and services from parties other than the seller, we suggest to verify their conditions of sale, because the seller is not responsible for the provision of services by third parties other than the seller.
2.3 The products are sold to the customer identified by the data entered at the time of compilation and dispatch of the order form in electronic format with the simultaneous acceptance of these general conditions of sale.
2.4 The offers of products on the website www.labauta.comare aimed at clients of adult age.
If you are under 18 years old to be able to buy on the website www.labauta.com you must first have the consent of one of your parents or a legal guardian.
Remember: This is always the case, not only for our website, but for all the sites you visit on the Internet: When browsing the internet you see or request information that you do not understand or you are not clear always ask your parents for help.
By making an order through this website, you guarantee that you are older (18 years) and have the legal capacity to enter into binding contracts.
2.5 The customer is prohibited from entering false names, and/or invented, and/or fictional, in the online order process and in further communications. The seller reserves to legally prosecute any violation and abuse, in the interest and for the protection of all consumers.
2.6 By accepting these Terms of sale, you also exempt the seller from any liability arising from the issuance of incorrect tax documents due to errors relating to the data you provide at the time of placing the online order, as you Same as customer the sole responsible for their proper insertion.
3. The sale by electronic commerce Service
3.1 The online sales contract means the distance contract for the sale of movable goods (hereinafter products) concluded between you, as a customer, and the Bauta, as a seller, as part of an e-commerce service Organized by the vendor who, for this purpose, employs the technology of distance communication called the Internet.
3.2 In order to conclude the purchase contract for one or more products, you will need to fill out the order form in electronic format (from now on order) and transmit it to the seller through the Internet following the relevant instructions.
3.3 The order contains:
• A referral to these general conditions of sale;
• Information and images of each product and its price;
• The means of payment that you can use;
• The methods of delivery of the products purchased and the related shipping and delivery costs;
• A reference to the conditions for exercising your right of withdrawal;
• The methods and times of return of the products purchased.
3.4 Although the Bauta constantly adopts measures to ensure that the photographs shown on the site are faithful reproductions of the original products, including the adoption of any technological solution possible to minimize the inaccuracies, they are Always possible some variations due to the technical characteristics and the color resolution characteristics of which the computer you use is equipped. Consequently, the seller will not be liable for any inadequacy of the graphical representations of products shown on the site if due to the aforementioned technical reasons, since such representations have merely function Illustrative.
3.5 Before concluding the contract, you will be asked to confirm the reading of the general conditions of sale including the information on the right of withdrawal and the processing of personal data.
3.6 The contract is concluded when the seller receives through the Internet your order form, after verifying the correctness of the data relating to your order.
3.7 The language available to conclude the contract with the seller is Italian and the applicable law is the Italian one.
3.8 concluded the contract, the seller will take charge of your order for his evasion.4. Order Fulfillment
4.1 With the transmission through the Internet of the order, you accept unconditionally and undertake to observe, in dealings with the seller, these general conditions of sale.
4.2 After completing the contract, the seller will send you, by e-mail, a confirmation of the order, containing a summary of the information already contained in the order described in paragraphs 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5.
4.3 It remains the possibility, by the seller, before sending the confirmation of the order, to ask you by e-mail or on the phone indicated by you, further information with reference to the order you sent through the Internet.
4.4 The seller may not give course to your purchase orders which do not provide sufficient solvency guarantees or which are incomplete or incorrect or in the event of unavailability of the products. In These cases, we will inform you by e-mail that the contract is not concluded and that the seller has not followed your order specifying the reasons. In this case the sum previously committed on the customer’s means of payment will be decommitted.
4.5 If the products, presented on the website, are no longer available or for sale after the order is sent, it shall be the seller’s care to notify you promptly and in any case within thirty (30) working days from the day following The one in which you have forwarded your order to the seller, the possible unavailability of the products ordered. In this case the sum previously committed on the customer’s means of payment will be decommitted.
4.6 The seller undertakes to deliver the goods ordered to the customer no later than 30 days from the date of conclusion of the contract.
4.7 Each sale made by the seller through the online sales service may cover one or more products, without limit of quantity for each item.
4.8 The Bauta reserves the right to refuse orders from a customer with which a legal dispute concerning a previous order is in progress. This applies equally to all cases in which the Bauta considers the customer unfit, including, but not limited to, the case of previous breaches of contract terms for online purchase on the site or for any other legitimate reasons, Especially if the customer has been involved in fraudulent activities of any kind.
5. Sales Prices
5.1 Unless otherwise stated in writing, all prices of the goods and shipping and delivery costs indicated on the website and in the order are deemed to be VAT included and expressed in Euro. The validity of the prices indicated is always and only that indicated by the website at the time of the transmission of the order through the Internet. Product prices and shipping and delivery costs may vary without notice. Then make sure the final sales price before submitting the order.
5.2 All products are shipped directly from Italy. The prices of the products and of the shipping and delivery costs indicated on the website and in the order, if not specified otherwise, are to be considered not inclusive of any costs related to customs duties and related taxes, not previously calculable, Where the shipment takes place in non-EU countries or in countries where the current legislation provides for import charges. In this case the existence of any further costs mentioned above will be clearly stated during the insertion and revision of the order, provided that the precise amount of these costs will be communicated by the carrier to the customer at the time of Delivery of the products.
5.3 These costs are therefore borne by the customer and must be paid directly at the time of delivery of the products, according to the instructions specified in the order confirmation.

Cantonese (Traditional)
Chinese Simplified
Chinese Traditional
Haitian Creole
Hmong Daw
Klingon (plqaD)
Querétaro Otomi
Serbian (Cyrillic)
Serbian (Latin)
Yucatec Maya

6. Method of payment
To pay the price of the products and the related shipping and delivery costs You can follow one of the modalities indicated in the order form of the site www.labauta.comand which are summarized below.
6.1 Credit cards and prepaid cards
• 1.1 for online orders on our site we accept both credit card payments and prepaid cards (e.g., postepay) without any additional charges on the cost of the product and shipment. It is understood that you must be the holder of a valid credit card at the time of the order of the products purchased online and that the name on the credit card must be the same indicated on the billing data. In the absence of such assumptions it will not be possible to proceed with the order.
• 1.2 at the time of purchase online, together with the confirmation of the order, the Banking Institute of reference will make the only commitment of the amount relative to the order from the availability of your credit card. The amount will actually be charged to your credit card only at the time of shipment of the purchased products.
• 1.3 If, once received the parcel with your order, for any reason you intend to use the right of withdrawal, following the payment of the products purchased online, the seller will mandate the bank to credit the amount from Refund directly to your credit card.
6.2 Paypal
• 2.1 If you have a Paypal account, the Bauta gives you the possibility to make payments directly using email and password with which you registered on www.paypal.com.
6.3 In no time of the purchase procedure, the Bauta is able to know the information regarding your credit card (for example, the credit card number or the date of its expiration), transmitted via a protocol-protected connection Encrypted directly to the site of the subject that manages the electronic payment (bank or Paypal). No vendor’s computer archive will retain such data.
6.4 In No event shall the seller be liable for any fraudulent or undue use of credit cards and prepaid by third parties.

7. Shipments and delivery of products
7.1 Each shipment contains:
• I/O products/or ordered;
• The accompanying transport/invoice document;
• Any accompanying documentation required on the basis of the country of dispatch
• Any information and marketing material.
7.2 The delivery of products purchased through the seller’s website can be done in different ways.
7.3 Delivery to the customer’s home
• 3.1 The products purchased will be delivered by the courier identified by the seller to the shipping address indicated by the customer on the order with insured shipment. See the Shipping section for additional information on costs, times and shipping modes and countries served.
• 3.2 When receiving the goods at home, we ask you to verify the integrity of the packages at the time of delivery by The courier. In Case of anomalies you will have to detect and record exactly the same from the courier and reject the delivery. Otherwise you will be able to enforce your rights in this regard.
7.4 Delivery at point of sale agreement and withdrawal by the customer
• 4.1 Only if this option is specifically provided, the products purchased can be delivered by the seller to a nearby point of sale that you can select at the time of the order. See the Shipping section for additional information on costs, times and shipping modes and countries served.
• 4.2 Upon delivery of the products purchased at the point of sale, you will receive a warning message by email and from that moment you will have up to 10 working days of time to withdraw the products of your order in the manner described in the order confirmation.

La Bauta except returns within 14 days from the delivery or from the order if the order is virtual ,but do not accept reimbourse.
• A) No possibility of return as a handmade and unique product.
9.4 All drawback costs for defective products will be incurred by the seller.
10. Contact
For any information request, La Bauta’s ECommerce team is at your disposal and can be contacted at the following email info@labauta.com or at the following address:

Cookies e Privacy

Informativa ai sensi dell’art. 13 del d.lgs. n. 196/2003 (c.d. codice privacy)
Titolare del trattamento dei dati
Il “titolare” del trattamento dei dati è La Bauta con sede legale Campo San Toma 2867, 30125 – Venezia, Italia.
La Bauta di Venezia informa, ai sensi dell’art. 13 del Codice Privacy ed in ottemperanza alle prescrizioni del Provvedimento 229/2014 del Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali, che il presente sito utilizza le seguenti tipologie di cookie (ossia dei piccoli file di testo che i siti visitati inviano al tuo device, dove vengono poi memorizzati al fine di essere ritrasmessi agli stessi siti alla visita successiva): Continuando la navigazione di questo sito senza cambiare le impostazioni dei cookie si considera accettato il loro utilizzo.
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Mozilla Firefox:
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2. Clicca su “Privacy”
Link di approfondimento: https://support.mozilla.org/it/kb/Gestione%20dei%20cookie
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1. Seleziona “Strumenti”, poi “Opzioni Internet”
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Link di approfondimento: http://windows.microsoft.com/it-it/windows7/how-to-manage-cookies-in-internet-explorer-9
1. Seleziona “Strumenti”, poi “Impostazioni”
2. Clicca su “Mostra impostazioni avanzate”
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Link di approfondimento: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=it
Link di approfondimento: https://support.apple.com/it-it/HT201265
1. Seleziona “File”, poi “Preferenze”
2. Clicca su “Privacy”.
Link di approfondimento: http://help.opera.com/Windows/10.00/it/cookies.html
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